Project #3 Personal Time


Computers track time exactly as conventional clocks do. They mark seconds, minutes, and hours according to a 24 hour cycle. But, this segmented, discrete, and regimented approach to parsing time is not universal in terms of capturing and measuring of human experience. In this assignment you are tasked with developing a version of time-keeping that is personal to you. How you choose to represent time may not line up with how ordinary clocks represent time. In order to complete this assignment you are invited to think of time expansively and alternatively, moving beyond conventional time keeping units. What are other ways in which you can mark the passage of time? What if time itself were turned on its head, driven not by standard time-keeping units, but perhaps subjective, personal, or even irrational organization?

Design Constraints

Please incorporate the following programming concepts in your time keeper:

IF / ELSE Statement millis(), OR second() / minute() / hour()

You’re also encouraged to integrate map() or the boolean variable when appropriate.

Design Process

I was inspired by the concept of flowers blooming and rotating through time. Flowers petals also have a shape that resembles the hands on a clock ticking away.

The rest of the design came from the soft and lively pastel colors present in nature and making the sketch grow and expand just as a flower blooms.


Visualizing time was challenging in the aspect of deciding what moves faster or slower when thinking outside the confines of a day in hours and minutes. When thinking about flowers blooming, I had to decide how quickly the flower expands and the petals rotate to create a visually pleasing drawing of this natural process.


This project was created based on the p5 simple shapes reference page.