Project #5 Avatar Generator


Many computer programs build custom avatars for their users based on a series of pre-generated parts. Think about range of visually interesting characters you were able to generate just with a few primitive shapes in your face generator assignment. For this week's assignment, you will use functions and random() to create your own avatar generator from disparate pieces. Think of this as the Face Generator assignment but leveled up!

Design Process

The design for this project was built upon the previous face generator for assignment #2. I kept the same playful kirby-like avatar and integrated buttons to further the interactivity and playfullness of the avatar, giving the end user options to decide the characters' hobbies, colors, expressivity, and ear size.


The challenges for this project stemmed from compiling a list of options for the avatar by using arrays [] and organizing all the code to successfully display the avatar. Functions() were a big help in creating a buildable avatar, while arrays allowed for addition of more list items at a later time.


This project was created referencing professor Xin Xin's example sketches Avatar Generator