Project #4 Optical Illusion


Computers represent all sorts of data by using pixels. Because pixels are alls square, computers utilize a variety of techniques to fool the human eye in to seeing circles, triangles, or other complex shapes. In this assignment, we ask you to go further, and create an animated optical illusion. A moire pattern is one technique, but you are encouraged to draw inspiration from Op Art and other sources.

Design Constraints

Please incorporate the following programming concepts in your optical illusion:

At least one For loop
Animation (can't be static)
Integrating rotate(), translate(), or other matrix transformations may be helpful, but is not required.

Design Process

The colors and design was inspired by the neon color pallete present in Tron and the seamlessness that was emphasized by the contrast of dark colors against neon blue. I also wanted the drawing to give the illusion of depth and endlessness.


This was a fun exercise in optical illusion. It doesn't take a lot of code to get a fascinating result, the challenge is getting the lines to merge in a way that looks seamless.


This project was created based on the Medium article on creating illusions by Nazia Fakhruddin (@naziafakhruddin) and it references the diagonal lines tutorial by Caroline Record on Youtube.