Project #6 Data Portrait


For this assignment, we need you to collect data and pass it onto a partner. For three days, collect data about one aspect of your life under quarantine. Arrange that data into a list, and write down a clear explanation of what each of those data points represent.


I drink coffee almost every day. I start collecting data when I do:
Monday, I drank two cups of coffee. One at 8:32 AM and another at 1:52PM.
Tuesday, I drank one cup of coffee at 1:52 PM
Wednesday I drank (etc...)
I may represent that data like this: [ 832, 1352, 1108, ...] After collecting the data, I pass it onto someone, and they create a visualization of that data, while I program a visualization of their data.

Design Process

I compiled data of reasoning to go outside and feelings associated when going out over a span of three days.
I seperated the data into shapes associated with feelings:
happy or willing = circle()
obligated or tired = rect()

time of outings:

let dogWalk = [5.2, 10, 3.4, 9.53, 5.3, 2, 8.4, 7.13, 3.23, 9.38, 4.3, 6.25]
let goErrands = [10.3, 7.31, 8.4, 11.5]
let goDrive = [12, 5.06, 7.5, 1.10]
let forFun = [7.4, 5.3]
let seeFriends = [5, 12.4]


We don't really think about all the things we do throughout the day so, writing them down and really compiling data about your day is a strange process. When you're writing down your daily occurances, it makes you think about the reasoning behind it and can influence if you do it more or less since you're more aware of your actions when they're being written down.